We are located at 2079 Boston Post Road in Larchmont, diagonally across from the Larchmont Post Office. For your convenience, we have parking behind our building which can be accessed from the side street, Monroe Avenue. We have office hours Tuesday 11:00-6:30, Wednesday 11:00-6:00, Friday 8:30-5:30 and Saturday 8:30-4:00. Dr. Smith is available after hours should you ever need him in an emergency. Several of our staff members speak Spanish and we have treated patients from all around the world.
We try to personalize our care by getting to know your child and by getting a feel for what works best. For young patients, we use a puppet first to act as a model. We begin to teach appropriate behavior by using a “tell-show-do” technique. When the patient takes their turn, they watch in the mirror while we introduce instruments and procedures one step at a time.
Our office tries to respect your time and we try hard to stay on schedule. We are usually successful because we save sufficient time for all patients and we never double book even during our busy times.